Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Marvel of 3D Printing in FASHION!

3D printing has become a phenomena in almost every industry but is particularly fascinating in fashion where it must combine visual aesthetics, accommodate movement and ultimately give the user comfort to wear. A triad of a challenge enabled by current technology. The future of fashion has arrived.

As a graduate student of fashion design in Israel, Danit Peleg took that challenge to create her collection of 5 unique garments and shoes. She began the process with no formal training and selectively chose her 3D home printer, software to shape the garment and special material that would be strong, light and flexible. With immense perseverance and guidance from the technical community, she succeeded in her journey to bridge fashion with technology. 

While Danit primarily used triangles in an origami type of approach with an architectural vision, Iris Herpen's 3D fashion was created in a different way. It used a liquid material which, when hardened, almost appeared poured on the model because to achieve perfect fitting, 3D scanner technology was used for the body dimensions  It was a product of SLA technology and the founder, Chuck Hull, first invented this technique in 1983 for industrial applications.

And fashion accessories have are also an integral part of the 3D printing world. While necklaces and bracelets are smaller projects with fewer fitting requirements, designers have been eager to create extraordinary shoes which are more complex to design successfully. And so Continuum, a small 3D printing outpost in Brooklyn, has been meeting these fashion challenges with a focus on footwear. Mary Huang is the designer/technologist and pioneer in this art. 

She says: "Such dreams of seamless digital to physical distribution must start with reasonable steps. It is not enough to just have the technology. We must design great products that can be made with the technology. Only then can we truly disrupt how products are made, and bring the 3D printing revolution to the masses."

With a keen awareness of this growing technology in fashion design, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York installed a remarkable and comprehensive exhibition titled Manus and Machina :Fashion in an Age of Technology. The exhibition has been so popular that the show dates have been extended.  You can view a gallery of extraordinary work in that show and also enjoy a short video and a series of brief clips from celebrated people..The New York Times has provided a full review of this show with accompanying pictures. If you have not seen the show in person, enjoy its majestry through these online links.

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” 
― Coco Chanel

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